i15 Gas and Blood Chemistry System
In addition to being lightweight, compact and easy to use, the i15 analyzer features a user-friendly, maintenance-free design. This makes blood testing efficient and convenient anywhere.
Unlike other analyzers, it uses automatic sampling, which reduces the risk of sample contamination and inaccurate results. With original standardized reagent kits, in-house quality control and an electronic simulator, the i15 analyzer delivers accurate results in minutes, and disposable cartridges help clinicians improve quality and increase efficiency in care. Advanced biosensor technology allows testing up to 15 parameters simultaneously.
Analysis menu:
Analysis parameters:
cH+, HCO3-act, HCO3-std, BE(ecf), BE(B), BB(B), ctCO2, sO2(est), Ca++(7.4), AnGap, tHb(est), pO2(A-a),
pO2(a/A), RI, pO2/FIO2, cH+(T), pH(T), pCO2(T), pO2(T), pO2(A-a)(T), pO2(a/A)(T), RI(T), pO2(T)/FIO2 , mOsm